Check out the opportunities below to volunteer on committees with ASES PTA.
More event opportunities throughout the year will be posted here.
Options from 1 hour, 1 school day to year-long.
How can you make an impact this year for your child & their school?
CLick below to fill out the Committee/Events Sign Up Form:
CLASS CONTACT LIST and room parent
Room parents send out information to their classes with important information about events, school supplies, and more. Join the email list to be in the loop! You can also sign up to be a room parent at the bottom of the form.
Standing Committees
Click the committee to see details.
Hospitality/Sunshine (Teacher Appreciation Events)
Coordinates details for Teacher Appreciation Events
Back to School Breakfast (August)
End of 9 Weeks treat (October, January, March, May)
Back from Winter Break Teacher Breakfast (January)
Teacher Appreciation Week (May)
Time Commitment: at above events, coordinates volunteers and details as needed prior to event
Committee PTA Officer Contact: Catherine Vacovsky
Room Parent Coordinator
Coordinates Room Parents for classrooms
Time Commitment: organize volunteers at the beginning of the year, manages activity throughout year
To sign up, answer "yes" to the last question in the "Class Contact List and Room Parent Form" above.
Committee Chair: Mandy Owens
Watch D.O.G.S.
Oversees and coordinates male volunteers to assist daily activities
Will acquire additional male volunteers as needed for additional security at special functions
Time Commitment: organizes volunteers, creates schedule of volunteers, holds quarterly meetings and oversees appreciation events (2x year)
Committee Chair: Sean Rodgers
Committee PTA Officer Contact: Tiffanie Mitchell
Coordinates the sale of yearbooks throughout the year
Oversees the publishing and design of yearbook
Coordinates cover design contest
Time Commitment: oversees photographers (volunteers) for functions and sporting events, manages incoming pictures, meets quarterly deadlines for publisher
Committee PTA Officer Contact: Jason Ching
Ways and Means (Spirit Events)
Coordinates with VP of Ways & Means on Spirit Events and fundraising
Time Commitment: lines up monthly spirit events (calls/emails), coordinates calendar of events
Committee PTA Officer Contact: Andrea Leonard
special Committees
click the committee to see details.
After School Enrichment
Expose Smith Sharks to various after school activities that allow them to build skills
Handle logistics for coordinating with vendors, and student pick up
Committee PTA Officer Contact: Catherine Vacovsky
Family Engagement
Coordinates family events such as dances, game nights, carnivals, etc
Time Commitment: as needed
Committee PTA Officer Contact: Alexis Smelley
Annual Fundraiser
Boosterthon – President & Principal
Coordinates local submission for Reflections Contest
Promotes program and encourages participation
Time Commitment: promotes theme and encourages submissions before due date, organize award presentation for local submission, coordinate with county on county submissions
Committee PTA Officer Contact: Lindsay Garrison
Snowflake Breakfast & Holiday Shop
Coordinates logistics and volunteers for Snowflake Breakfast and Holiday Shop
Time Commitment: coordinates volunteers, helps to set up and run eventsin December
Committee PTA Officer Contact: Jason Ching and Andrea Leonard
Spirit Wear
Coordinates and promote spirit wear sales in the fall
Coordinates and promote spirit wear design contest in spring
Time Commitment: line up promotional activities for sales and contest
Committee PTA Officer Contact: Jason Ching
Maintains Website, Facebook, Info for Shark Bytes, Newsletter, etc:
Assists with website updates (dates, document updates)
Provides updates for Shark Bytes
Creates and distributes new PTA newsletter
Time Commitment: weekly communication with committee, sending weekly updates out to board and school administration, help with monthly newsletter
Committee PTA Officer Contact: Jason Ching
Nominating Committee
Oversees the approval of officer nominations as needed
Time Commitment: Meetings to review nominations as needed (need 3 members)
Committee PTA Officer Contact: TBD